Untainted bug and Buff/Debuff description bug

I'm playing offline mode. Don't know if it happens in online mode.

Untainted bug:
This usually happens with the spear guy that impales me to the sky then slams me to the ground. It seems like if the Untainted dies without finishing the animation, my character will be stuck and cannot move. Can't even click anything or use any action buttons (dodgeroll, movement spells or attacks to get out of the situation). It also happened when I fought the spear guy and the fat abomination corpse that can pull me with hooked chain at the same time. All those pulling and impaling animations on my character made my character to be stuck in place. The only choice I have to do is to relog into the game. Although Gold was already wasted on Area Modifiers for the unfinished expedition.

Buff / Debuff description bug:
If I scroll my mouse on the buff / debuff icons, the description will lingers on for the whole game session if the icon was gone (or the fight ends). I have to fight again, and let that buff / debuff casts on me, then scroll my mouse again on it to make it disappear. Or, just relog the game.

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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