Updates to Kill Fun (Daily) Updates that actually help (When?)

Hello dear devs i was wondering last night when you where watching the Streams and people made Winter's Grasp build you had a patch waiting in the closet to put it in instantly and kill our fun, now that the game is in flames and people are getting crash/dc/lag/bugs WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR DAILY PATCH FIX THAT WILL FIX THIS I'VE SENT EXACTLY 108 Crash Reports in the past 24 hours CAN YOU FUCKING DO SOMETHING USEFUL FOR ONCE TO THIS GAME?

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

They can't.

PS they don't read this shit.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

1) Yes, they fixed a broken (2 in fact) skill, sorry if the only fun you found in the game was abusing a gamebreaking bugged skill!
2) You are talking to a small indie company making an awesome ARPG already and i am sure that they are doing their best to fix their code! They are not your slaves, a fact that you seem to be unaware of when i see the way you try to adress them! But if you really consider them to be your slaves and you really depend on them to make you appreciate things a bit more and put a smile on your spoiled brat face, perhaps you are asking a bit too much from them, you seem unfixable to me!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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