v1.09 bugs list


below is a list of bugs or misunderstandings:

---- the special attack of the immaculate is almost inevitable
----- bug after having failed an expedition against immaculate: return to town but the character is sunk in the ground
- even if since patch 1.09 the game is more fluid, there are still big lag of keys during boss confrontation or immaculate in expeditions, we must spam the keys to be able to chain these powers / attacks (especially the shouts of domination that comes out 1 time in 10)
-> impossible to chain his powers or attacks well.
 even when these are up, you have to spam the keys to see their execution, it quickly becomes frustrating and your games really lose interest
- why there is no difference in the stats for the same single object lv 30 and lv 100 except the purchase price ?? it's very disappointing
- it is almost impossible to lv up 90, it takes too much time: why the quantity of expedition exp is not proportional to the level of the expedition? we make almost as many exp points in expedition lv110 as lv 147
- why sometimes my friends on steam see me connected in the game and I don't see them? and sometimes there is no problem I can see them and therefore invite them
- why play with 2 swords 1 hand making each 300 damage amounts to ultimately do less damage than playing with a sword 1 hand alone?
--- sometimes I start an expedition with 50% less of my life ...

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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