Veiled Eclipse and Infinity Blades Bug

My Setup:
I have Veiled Eclipse unique pants equipped
I am using Infinity Blades Skill with the "Gusts in Dark Space" modifier selected, making it a shadow-based spell (lets call this one "shadow-based")
I am also using a duplicated infinity blades skill with no skill skill modifiers selected (lets call this one "aether-based")

The Issue:
The shadow-based Infinity Blades consumes rage as expected. The first cast of the aether-based Infinity Blades consumes willpower as expected, but any additional casts consume RAGE instead of WILLPOWER. I have checked to make sure that I have no shadow damage added to spells from any sources, no temporary spell-damage buffs, no other skill modifiers selected. There is no shadow damage in my tool tip for the aether-based Infinity Blades.

Once I found Veiled Eclipse, I was really excited to try a pure Infinity Blades build with the duplicated setup to balance willpower and rage :) Unfortunately I cant do it while its bugged like this :(

Thanks for looking into this!

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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