Very Annoying Duskshroud bug

I tend to move by holding down the left mouse button instead of clicking continuously.

When you activate duskshroud while holding down lmb, then release lmb, then wait for duskshroud to end, then click and hold lmb again, the character will move to the location where the cursor was when duskshroud was activated instead of the location where you're clicking now.

I keep running into projectiles and aoes and getting myself killed because of this.

And since we're on this subject, could you please make it so that when you hold down lmb, your character moves in the direction of the cursor regardless of obstacles in the way instead of trying to pathfind it's way around to the cursor location?


Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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