Wolcen crash reporter ... every time UNPLAYABLE game, getting worse since 1.05

Come one, I've not been able to finish 1 single expedition today ! 5 times this stupid crash reporter showed up on 100+ expedition in 2 or 3 player party with full attributes... sometimes on map 2 sometime on map 3, well done !
Result >> everybody is crashing in the party, and we restart everything.
FIX your game !!

Right click : half of the time you don't sell, but instead you move to item
Selling : this is a nightmare, espacially in a group
No mobs : Maps are sometimes almost empty in mobs
Elites undermap : some champions in omen wealth map can't be killed because undermap or out of bounds
Lag in group : I have to SPAM or hold a key for 3 seconds in order to cast a single spell !! And, once the spell is cast, more than half of the hits are not registered !! SERIOUSLY !??

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

I have the exact same issue, even playing offline. Ever since the new patch it has happened in almost every expedition that I try. I'm actually going to stop playing until a new path comes. Hopefully the they can hire some developers who know how to manage their code and QA properly.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

I've been able to finally finish 1 expedition, finally !
You know what is the solution ? just pray all the old gods and the new, and don't play in group also

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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