Wrath of Baäpheth doesnt not register hit and dmg

Hi Wolcen Team!

First of all, I love the game.
I bumped into an annoying bug in connection with the Wrath of Baäpheth skill. Despite the fact , that the monsters are in the animation range of the skill, sometimes they don't get any damage from it.The bug appears mostly with the range extender rune. I tested it from several aspects. Maximum and close range, in front of me or sideways. This non-hitting bug regularly appears and its not enemy type specific.

I hope you can investigate this not so life threatening but surely annoying problem, and fix it in the future.

So far, I am amazed by the game. Great job!

Thanks, Kaazmor

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 6 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

This is a known issue and happens with other skills as well, we're working on that. Thank you for the report Kaazmor :)

Created: 4 years, 6 months ago

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