Yellow square on screen, autodash.

When I use autodash, a yellow square shows up on the left side screen, if i autodash again it shows at the right side, again autodash it goes away and then it start over.
I use TAB key as autodash, and space as forced move, normally combined but forced moved is not necessary for the sqaure to show it self.

Replies: 1

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

tab is keybinded to the map. i agree that there is a yellow square happening, when pressing the tab key again, even left and right side, but i ddidnt see a reason or feature for that so far. felt like it was a debug thing form the devs forgotten to take out.

however... try to keybind your autodash to another key, that should solve your issue

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

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