Act 3 Boss Crashes After Windows 10 Update

As the title suggests, my game keeps crashing during the Act 3 boss fight. Last night, I had no issues with the boss fight. I could make it to the third stage of the fight with the only issue being me dying lol. Then I shut down my computer for the night and there was a Windows 10 update. Today, the game has crashed 4 times during the second stage of the boss fight. There are no performance issues leading up the crash either, it feels random with the only consistent variable being it only happens during the second stage. Sent a bug report with every crash.

Edit: I'd like to add I also don't have anything running in the background while playing except for Discord. That's all I had running last night while playing too. I've tried restarting my PC too to no avail.

Edit 2: I gave it another try with my Task Manager Performance window and Resource Monitor open on my second monitor while I tried the fight again and there wasn't any abnormal spikes or dips in usage for anything and the fight crashed almost right away this time. I'm done trying this fight for the night, hopefully it'll work tomorrow lol.

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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