Black screen only for online games


I have been searching online and see issues dating back to 2018 for this issue and there was never a resolved fix or cause for the problem. I am able to play offline with no issues.

I can connect to online create a character but soon as I hit play the Wolcen Logo appears then it goes to a black screen and the audio stops. I am still able to see the mouse and move that around.

Things I have tried
Changing compatibility between Win8/vista etc - no fix
Adding full permissions on my firewall - no fix
Turning off/disabling my firewall - no fix
I have an ultra wide monitor, tried turning it to windowless, windowless borderless - no fix
change resolution or all the graphic settings around or put it to low - no fix
Steam to validate files - no fix
uninstall / reinstall - no fix

Anyone have any other ideas? I have never been able to play online or tried a bit offline for a few hours. Am I able to get a refund I see no tech support ever commenting on this problem or a response to anyone since 2018.


Replies: 8

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

I play 2 days +- without bigger problem online. i dont have your problem.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Can you just add to posts where you have information that helps resolve issues? "works on my machine" is about the worst possible advice. Thanks.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Moi - même problème

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Having the same issue, tried most of the same changes.... also tried disabling the Radeon software and Kaspersky AV. Off-line is fine.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I'm playing from Australia...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I have the same problem. cant find solution for this.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

used a VPN and set location to San Francisco US. Managed to get in after to two tries but the response was too slow to be playable, but at least I know what the issue is related to. Apparently there were servers in Australia and they were having issues back in November (

Going to try and find a better response from another location....

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I used a VPN to connect 'from' different locations and the results were. Please note I am living outside of Canberra, and while my ISP is Dodo, I believe locally they are using the Telstra network.

vpn to Melbourne connected to Seoul > 200 ms slow
vpn to South Korea connected to Sydney > 400 ms
vpn to Sydney connected to Sydney < 40ms
vpn to Singapore connected to Sydney > 350 ms
vpn to South Korea connected to Mumbai > 400ms

disconnected VPN and black screen.

So for the time being I am going to stick to doing a VPN to Sydney. I also felt that the game was slower till i got to Stormfall.

I get the impression that maybe there is a block at one of the providers or something that is stopping the game getting to the servers in Sydney unless I am using the VPN, which is changing the way the requests are being routed or handled.

Hope this helps

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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