Black screen when going into online game.

Offline games still work fine, but that's sadly not interesting. It does show that it's not the game files being at fault here.
This is new since last night, after a "You've been disconnected from the server" error (I was the party leader). Now as soon as I join or create an online game, instead of loading into town I hear everything there and can move/dash but screen is completely black and the only way back is to figure out where the Settings icon is and then guess/find the "Return to Main Menu" option is and blindy click that. Some people say they had success using VPN and I've tried with every EU country I could think off and no change.

And I appear offline to others looking at the friends list. Even tho I can msg them. Dunno if this is related.

I also cannot alt+tab out anymore at all. Hence the need for the guessing game mentioned above where to click to be able to go back to main menu.

EDIT: I managed to get online on the friendslist but still the same, whether I'm the party leader or not. I simply cannot get past the black screen when starting an online game. What I did notice though is that my friend told me that I do not move or dash at all, when I was thinking I was due to me hearing the sound of it when clicking/dashing. I'm simply immobile to them so I clearly haven't fully spawned in at all. Then we get disconnected both after a little while. In either case, all black screen.

EDIT2: If I use a completely fresh character I can join a friend's game, so it's clearly something that has gone wrong with my other character.
EDIT3: Once. It worked once. Then same thing on that character.

This REALLY needs to be looked at. Seems to be quite a few judging from the forums and the discord.

EDIT4: Found a solution that works for others.
1) Create a lvl1 toon.
2) Enter Stormfall and cancel all Dark Market activities.
3) Leave and enter with your normal toon.

My problem here is I can't even get in with a level 1 toon, but for others in the same boat this may serve to help them. I my case there's something else going as well. I only show up on friendlist for a brief second, and most of the time invites sent to me doesn't show up on my end. Or in the few cases where it does show up, and I accept, everyone in the party gets disconnected when I try to join the game. So there's some real server issues with my account, maybe connected to steam in some way.

Replies: 6

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

exactly the same here

also tried with vpn, no success

and day 5 without any comment of devs about... gg...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Im having the same problem. Help us, pls!!!!!!!!!!!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I got the same Problem since Yesterday evening.. I tried a lot and nothing will work. The Screen stays black after login into online mode. not really matter with wich charakter.. Pls give us some information about that!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I have the same issue, I can login any friend session but I can't login in my own session

I try to cancel the Dark Market but didn't work.

So Im stuck in Black screen if I try to play solo session

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

i could fix this for myself going into video settings resolution 800x600 and fullscreen. once the game loaded i had no problems to change back the settings to 1080p, go back to menu and load a new game. Not sure if the problem will reproduce.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Same issue, cursor only, game crashes when any friend tries to join or i try to join an online game

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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