Bugs Preventing me from Playing

I still haven't been able to play the game since launch. The main bug I'm getting is that I can't click the ladder in the tutorial area at the beginning of the game. I can click on the woman with the quest marker but the quest marker just stays on her and I can't progress at all.

I have deleted my characters and made new ones, most of the time I will get a Game Services Timeout when I try to do this. When I can create a new character, I know the bug will be there because I cant skip the beginning cutscenes, and then I am not able to click the ladder again.

A couple of days ago, after deleting and reinstalling the game, I made a character and got to the point in the tutorial where you are in the fight when you turn into the big angel form, then the game crashed, booted me back to the login screen, and then made me restart the tutorial.......and I can't click the ladder again.

Very frustrating! I've got almost 8 hours played on Steam now and still havent been able to progress past the tutorial!

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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