Checking game version

After I used the transmute as everyone else, when is the hotfix comming for this? patch is incomming, but when?
Getting really tired of this.. really, I've been holding out for every minor mistake which i can understand, but this right here is not accepteble.
Come one, WHEN is the patch comming, just tell us.

Replies: 4

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

They couldn’t give a date for solving the problem with the servers, do you think they can do it now? They have critical errors that cannot be resolved on the same day (at least), for a game that is released, this is simply not permissible. Path of Exile as an example, if there is any then the error is in the way of the game, it is solved in the near future time (always).
P.S.They took the idea from different games, including from path of exile, but such important and simple things as a quick access panel on the mouse for any skills, folding one passive skill in a tree, a loot filter, etc. as if they hadn’t noticed. Awful.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago


The issue was caused by you trying to transmute an item, and not completing it before logging out, this breaks the game.
You gotta wait till Sunday and pray that they're doing a fix for this connection issue

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Yeah i know it was "made" by me, but if it is a endgame function I honestly think i should do a endgame feature that DON'T break my game, atleast if it's a "full realeased game"
Its stupid, and for the people that has been waiting for a longer time to play the game, i feel for them.
Just thinking about refunding the game and pay for it again and starting over.
Everything else i can take, but this? come on.. it's sad..

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Good luck refunding. Steam wouldn't refund because I've played more than 2 hours. I even explained all the reasons I wanted a refund on the two copies of the game I bought. I wholly admit I've beaten the story and am on end game, but I've been able to play the supposedly release stable game a total of 3 days out of 7 (about 25 hours actually played of the 40ish hours Steam says I've played), and won't get to play again until the next patch. Hopefully the patch comes soon, but I don't expect it until at least Sunday since they said they can only patch once per week. A game that has been playable for me for a total of about 3 days in what will likely be a 10 day period is completely insane.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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