Crash 1.08 etc...

Since the transition to 1.08 I have frequent crashes, the game closes and asks me to send a report ...
I play with a construction mage who displays a lot of things, but it often happens that crashes occur when passing through a door or returning to town.
I have an I7 and a GTX1070, the game was running at the maximum and now even at the minimum it crashes, it's very annoying because I can not make 2 expeditions in a row and even sometimes finishing one is impossible

Depuis le passage a la 1.08 j'ai des crash frequent, le jeu se ferme et me demande d'envoyer un rapport...
Je joue avec un build mage qui affiche beaucoup de chose, mais souvent les crash arrive lors d'un passage par une portail ou d'un retour en ville.
Je une I7 et une GTX1070, le jeu tournai au max et maintenant meme au minimum il plante, cela est tres genant car je ne peut faire 2 expedition de suite et meme parfois en finir une est impossible

Replies: 5

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

i also have same problem, frequent crash, like 4 of 5 games.
i have 9th gen i7 and GTX 2060, but i dont think the graphics is the problem.
since other computer with lower spec worked just fine.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

same issue, RTX2070, i7 9th gen. Total crash of laptop. After this I have to power-reset my laptop.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Same here...

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Bon je pense pour le moment laissé un peu de coté car c'est injouable, hier j'ai pu faire une expedition complete. Miracle!!!!!

Ce matin 3 em niveau et plantage complet.... Et bien sur aucune reponse du support

Well I think for the moment left a little aside because it is unplayable, yesterday I was able to do a complete expedition. Miracle!!!!!

This morning 3 rd level and complete crash .... And of course no response from the support

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Same issue with new update..

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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