It is a shame what is happening!

I'm outraged by Wolcen! Players who bought in advance have no benefit, nor even being able to play online as a priority. And the worst, all this time without being able to play online because the company does not have the capacity to deal with the players who acquired the game because the servers were not able, as well as the team to offer a basic operation. This can lead to the game losing all credibility and dying before it was born. And we are all without information, and do not comply with the dates and times informed.

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Yea. I've clocked almost 15 minutes online. Now all I start at is


100: @ui_gserror_CloudServersDownForMaintenance

tick. tock. tick. tock.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

You must have never had to work in a real job based on the fact that everything is not going exactly to schedule so you have a meltdown. These guys made a great game with a smaller staff and are dealing with something that happens to any company ever when they have a success.
Learning how to scale up your operation quickly and still have everything work.
Giant studios have this issue EVERYTIME they release any game with online play. Think Diablo, any WoW release, any COD, Fallout 76 (lul), Anthem, etc. Also if you are going to insist throwing a tantrum because life is being unfair , at least don't lie about the facts. They also have provided a pretty good stream of server updates on multiple media platforms to make sure their fans are aware of the current status. If nothing has happened in 30 minutes you aren't going to get an update, because there is nothing to update....

Wolcen staff keep doing what you are doing. Work on the issues, make everything stable, provide an awesome game to everyone. Easy right? = )

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

You have the right to speak your mind, just like me! Just because a large company had problems does not justify a small one too! Criticism and demands are what make things better. But there are many people who are submissive and prefer to wait for things to improve by chance. I prefer to be criticized and charge than to see a landscape over time doing nothing. Stay at peace if you can.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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