Online Freezes/Crashes Back to Character Screeen

I have had the game about 2 days now and have had nothing but problems. I am still in Act1 because about every 5 - 10 minutes the game will randomly freeze my entire PC and then boot me back to the character creation screen. I am not playing on a VPN, there are no issues with firewall. No problems with any other game I play. I have tried adjusting the settings thinking that maybe there is a memory leak somewhere, played on Very high settings, High settings, Medium, Low and still same results.

Has anyone had any luck finding a fix for this?


Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

same here
but won't play anymore to get refund. I'll buy the game at low price in the future. my gpu run a 100% even at lowest setting 60fps. D3 run at highest.
Haven't tried online but offline, I was freezing for about 40sec every 3 minutes, game resume after.
take a look to virtual memory allowed space, and someone spotted amd FX processor was the problem without detail. I'm runing on 8gb ram

keep us informed, you probably played more than 2 hours

(Edited 4 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

I have unfortunately played more than 2 hours just trying to fix trouble shoot the issue otherwise I would refund. I do run an AMD FX processor as well.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

I have unfortunately played more than 2 hours just trying to fix trouble shoot the issue otherwise I would refund. I do run an AMD FX processor as well.

bharr4404 Original Comment

There indeed does seem to be a compatibility issue related to the AMD FX chipset. I also have one and experience lockup and crashes as well. A couple of us started using which resolves the issue entirely, but you will need to use the service. You'll get 90 days free if you sign up using your CC or Paypal account.

Played for a few hours and didn't have a single issue.

hope this helps.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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