Might not be the solution you expect but I found this comment buried in some thread that I want to bring to light for the rest of the community having random freeze/dc issues. My issues are with my AMD FX processor - alot of users experience the same issues. I tried the following advice in this post and I'm home sick so lets just say I flagged in half a days play with NO freezes OR DCs . A little sputter of lag when a lot is going on here and there but trust me when I tell you its night and day. Give it a shot!

"There indeed does seem to be a compatibility issue related to the AMD FX chipset. I also have one and experience lockup and crashes as well. A couple of us started using which resolves the issue entirely, but you will need to use the service. You'll get 90 days free if you sign up using your CC or Paypal account. Played for a few hours and didn't have a single issue. hope this helps."

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

I got Intel so what do I do? game works without passive tree doh...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

So you don't use your own pc, because the game isnt optimized properly?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I can 100% confirm it's an AMD issue. I have a Radeon 7 in one of my rigs. Game constantly crashes. Runs fine on my girlfriend's 2080ti rig. I played for almost 5 hours today and accomplished nothing on the R7 rig. Saw this thread and loaded up GeForce Now on the system with Radeon 7. No crashing. Game runs like dog poop, 30-60 fps @ 1080p, and doesn't remember graphics changes. But it at least runs. New patch made the game technically playable since I was locked out of game by the forge bug, but the AMD issue also makes the game basically unplayable.

I think I've spent more time trying to make this game work than I've spent actually playing the game; and I've beaten the story and I'm level 66. That took about 20 hours. I have 60 hours played, of which about 40 hours has been reset progress or crashes/freezes/bugs causing issues or playing with settings trying to get the game to actually work.

Why am I still wasting time trying to play this, lol!?!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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