Wolcen: Lords of Maintenance?

Come on Wolcen Studios! Deliver what you have promised and advertised!
You got the trust and understanding from so many fans of your game in advance, but not anymore! We want to see some results! Or we want our money back!!!
Why even release a game in this state? We all have waited 4 Years for it, we would have waited a bit longer for a polished game and a smooth launch!
All this frustration is because you did not meet the expectations of your customers! If you announce your game for the 13th of February then we expect the game to work on the 13th of February! Not several days later! Otherwise just set the release date for a later time and make sure that all preparations for a smooth start were made! Such things like server load issues in that extend is a pathetic excuse!

If you are planning a big party, then you expect it to be big and buy food and drink not just for a hand full of people? I don't know how you handle such things... but if I plan a party and expect 100 people, I buy food and drink for 130 guests... just to make sure. In your case it seems, that you invited 100 guests, prepared food for 80 and have seats for 50 guests...

This release is not even a release... it's called beta test and a sever stress test on our cost!
RIP Wolcen Studios... you have deserved it!

Replies: 6

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Totally agree with that. Game is full of bugs, several skill and passive modifiers won't work, bugs over bugs, multiplayer not function, it just feels like the game got pushed out way too early..

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Agree also in the comment.....
more or less three days now the game is not playable.....if you are keeping your eyes open before the release about all the youtuber`s who promoted your game you should have suspected that the numerous of gamers joining the game should be much higher than the numbers of players in the alpha or beta.
I made a lot of experience in releases where you cannot join the game at the beginnig but three days of nothing meanwhile is telling me you are not aware of anything.
Get it done soon otherwise the players are gone and you are back on the numbers of players you are suspected
So sad i was really into it to have some fun with the great game but im suspecting when i finnaly can connect to the online world that i will have only fun with bugs ;-) (based on things i read here in the forum)
Even me i think 4 years beta was not enough..................

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

True story, I can't log in for two days, my char progress stopped at lvl 5 ;)

I really want my money back, and never go back to this bugged game.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

There is a massive difference in ordering food for 130 guests when you're expecting 100, and a game previously having a peak of just under 2000, then on launch day hitting 60000 and breaking the system. This was a massive shock to even the developers, and they are working tirelessly to bring the servers to a state where they can be put online again. Wind your neck in and stop complaining. It seems thats all that millenials do these days because they can't get their instant gratification.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Actordaz, you sound like a dev for Wolcen Studio's. If you are, then you guys are doing excactly what EA, Blizzard, and other large game developers have done. Beware, you are going to have a situation like Diablo III when it first came out. Blizzard lost so many customers with that release and it took for ever to get them back. The difference is that they are a large developer THAT HAD a reputation for releasing good games and you are not. Get honest with your customers and try to do some sort of customer service, or you will go bankrupt. Even if you do fix this game and make it perfect, with this type of start I doubt you will ever get many of your customers back. Just a word of advise from a fan.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

We're all forgetting something : this is JUST a game. Not a purchase that will change our life.

Just a game.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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