General Feedback and suggestions

Hi guys,

First of all, I'm following your work and beta testing the game since it's first available release. The release of Act 1 is a pretty big step forward, and I do love what I'm seeing and playing. That said, a few feedback and suggestions ( may contain spoilers ) :

  • Main affixes on items and amount : Having played a lot of ARPG, some, especially PoE introduced a way to display the main affixes on the top of an item that is pretty clever. For instance, on a body armour, if the main stats are life + force shield. If any explicit affixes below are also life or force shield, the main stats have a different colour and the amount displayed is the combination of the base value + the affixes. It is way easier when you compare two items instead of checking every single affixe + the base value.

  • Click to move : There should be a way to disable the basic attack and change it to a "move only" action. There are a few fights that were kind of messy because i had to move far away from the pack to reposition myself since the character is always attacking.

  • Numeric values : You're displaying health as a numeric value but not force shield. A bummer for character specialized in force shield. You can display something like that :
    LIFE - FS
    2500 / 2500
    1000 / 1000

  • Damage : you should enable damage numbers by default. There is a strange delay on the online version that made me think that my hits weren't connecting at all especially with an archer archetype. And adding a quick tutorial to explain that you can disable damage numbers.

  • Dropping items : the fade out is way too fast. You could add a delay depending on the quality : white, extremely fast ( 2 secs ). blue, fast ( 4 secs ), yellow, slow ( 8 secs ), unique and legendary, not fading away. It could be nice also to fade in items when they are off screen and move in screen ; at least important items (enneract, rares, uniques, gems). Also, an option to select the size of the item pickup label could be nice. PoE has a great filter system that you can draw inspiration from.

  • Low life warning : imho, the low life effect appears way to slowly. A few times on Edric I've been on low life for a few seconds and didn't noticed it.

  • Focus on the inventory panel : there is a strange behavior on the inventory panel where I'm forced to left click or right click a first time before being able to sell an item or learn a skill. I think that it should be removed.

  • Attack speed : the attack speed score doesn't mean anything if you don't have a base value. Especially since your tooltip says "depends on the weapon" and the weapon doesn't show any speed at all. Playing as an archer archetype. If have a 30% bonus attack speed, and I cannot say how much times per second I attack. Also, without any raw value of the attack speed I cannot know if I'm hitting a soft or hard cap on the attack speed. At the moment between 20% and 34%, I don't notice a really big difference so I'm assuming that I reached a soft cap hidden somewhere :)

That's all I have in mind at the moment, I'll update the thread as soon as I got more.

Keep up the good work. The game is going in the good direction, and I think that you can create something nice with it if you find a way to make a great end game. I'm looking forward to play on funny builds at high level.

UPDATE - 2019-10-05

Hi guys ! Some additionnal feedback after the Sarisel update :)

  • The new random "monoliths" at the start of a dungeon section is pretty cool. But you should avoid spawning enemies pack inside of it if it is supposed to be safe.
  • It is hard to say if there is a network issue or if I was on some kind of debuff, but it often happens that i'm loosing health after kitting a pack. When I'm like 10 to 15 feets away from the mobs I still loose life. So, maybe it is some kind of networking registration that happen way too late, or my character is debuffed and I'm unable to see it. If it is the later, maybe you should add some little square above the health bar showing that you are debuffed and you should hit some potions as soon as you can.
  • At high level, dodging is really important. But you don't know when your next dodge will be up. Maybe adding a little circle filling up to show you when your next stamina point will be available could help.
  • Clicking on enemies requires a ton of precision. If you don't click right on the target, you move instead of attacking. You could eventually add some kind of radius to the click that allows you to target the closest target if you're not right on the target. The radius doesn't need to be big, but big enough to allow you to make some "mistake" in a big combat sequence without having to exactly click on the enemies. Of course, if the cursor is exactly above a target, you should select this target instead of the closest one based on the radius.

I just started to play this new update, so I'll make updates if I have some new things that comes to mind :]

Excellent update, thank you for your hard work.

Replies: 4

Created: 4 years, 10 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

This. I thought I was the only one having trouble with the basic attack/auto attack. I kite a lot since I play as mage, and I died a few times because my movements are stalled when I come across an elite monster or a boss with support mobs. I thought I could somewhat disable it in the settings, but unfortunately could not find the option to do so. This was incredibly frustrating. Please do something about it.

Created: 4 years, 10 months ago

I've a question that when I play the game the keyboard is malfunction, but it works well in other games, is it a bug?

Created: 4 years, 10 months ago

I second the comment on click to move

I would also suggest tool-tip damage calculation available from the inventory screen

I'd also really appreciate a change to force shield where you can have it display the numerical value in the health orb, and also make it so the force shield is upside down, so that when it drains it drains downward instead of upward.

I'd really like an audio cue when you're taking damage, sometimes something is hitting you and draining your FS/HP and it isn't clear - audio cue would help a lot here - like have the character say "ugh" or something.

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

Updated the initial post with some feedback based on the Sarisel update.

Created: 4 years, 7 months ago

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