Looking for casual group

Looking for people to group with for casual expedition pushing. I'm in the EU.
I currently have 3 characters:
lvl 71 Dot Explosion Ranger: https://wolcen-universe.com/builds/GXl2XG-poisonbleed-archer-v2
Currently Expedition 112

lvl 68 Bleeding Edge Melee: https://wolcen-universe.com/builds/Py8VlG-lessethicalgreater-bleeding-edge-(works-with-new-patch)-in-depth-youtube-guide-+-other-builds
Currently Expedition 100

lvl 51 Ranger/Caster: Build in flux as I am leveling and haven't found a good build yet.

I could probably push the expeditions higher, but I hate not finishing expedition runs, so don't push further when I have been downed at all.
I have played a lot of ARPG (Diablos, POE, TQ, Grim Dawn, etc), but I don't like pushing hard, I prefer just enjoying playing without stressing about making it as far as feasibly possible.
If that sounds like a group you'd like to be in, add me: Kerrin.6220

You can also add me for other ARPGs:
Steam: kerrin1975
DIablo 3: kerrin#2766

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Community

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