Nightmare Asylum recruiting active players

Brand New Clan. We are currently seeking active players to join our new clan. Seasonal or Non makes no difference so long as you remain active you will remain part of our team. Our goal is to build up a clan of just regular folks who love to play Wolcen,D3,POE as much as we do. No paragon Requirements. No try outs. Just some chill guys to have fun running with.
: Membership Requirements :-
1. Must me at least 18+ years old and act mature.
2. Must join our Discord Server and be active.
3. Are willing to work together and communicate maturely.
4. Open to pushing higher Greater Rifts.
5. Willing to help others with various in game content.

: Clan Rules :-
1. Be courteous to others and do not troll other members.
2. We do not condone hate speech or racism.
3. Ask before you jump into someone else's game.
4. Asking for help is welcomed but do not demand or expect it.
5. Be willing to return the favor when someone helps you out.
6. Be considerate when talking in public chat rooms.
7. Stay fairly active, login often.
8. Be social.
if anyone is interested please stop by our discord and chat with us

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Community

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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