WTS: Twink Legendary Gear - Requires LvL. 35-41 With iLvL 151 Stats. As Well As LvL 60+ Req LvL +1-2 Ailment Gear And Weapons That Let You Use Different Skill More In Post.

I also have high stamina recharge, high cool down, high resistances, high rage / willpower cost reduction, +1 to projectiles, 80-100+ flat crit, spell cast, ailment, attack speed (adds double what ferocity, wisdom,agility would ). Armor that has 25% chance to double ailments and add 15% damage from last spell to attacks. Amazing jewelry and belts as well!
Basically anything you need I've been hording all the best drops I find.

Looking for Legendary modding reagents and or no legendary erieban tears and unique arbiter rings. No dupes please.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Community

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