Actual Numbers for Modifiers Please

Currently there are a number of active skill modifiers that have no actual numbers but just descriptions on what they are supposed to do, which makes it very inconvenient if not impossible to compare them. There are also ones that don't list every single number that is relevant to the skill on its numbers on the right. For an example of one that is the most guilty of this from my build: Mark of Impurity, it doesn't even have numbers on the skill outside of its cooldown, range, rage cost/generation and consuming time. It is a debuff which increases damage taken by the target, however it doesn't even say by how much and a majority of its modifiers are only describing what they do without giving a clear number and so there's no way to compare. This skill and all skills needs to state in its stats the actual value of the damage increase and same with its modifiers. It doesn't even say its duration in the stats, but the first modifier is one that increases its duration and that doesn't even say by how much. There are multiple ones that say more vulnerable to damage but also one that increases crit damage, and there's no way for me to tell which one is better for my build which does currently have high crit chance, because there's no numbers listed. There's one called Faceless Justice that has a chance to spawn a ghost that hits the marked target whenever you hit it, and it doesn't tell me how much damage that ghost does or the % chance of spawning it on hit.

Replies: 4

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Yes god forbid a game that was like in real life and you just had to figure out which was better, like a front kick, or a side kick, or a round kick, all which have no numbers...

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Yes god forbid a game that was like in real life and you just had to figure out which was better, like a front kick, or a side kick, or a round kick, all which have no numbers...

NeonSplatters Original Comment

That is probably one of the dumbest replies I have ever seen.

Comparing life to modifiers in a game....

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago


numbers for everything.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

+1 too
I'm having the same issue than you on "Mark of Impurity"
- cost 1: "increase mark duration"
- cost 2: "increase mark duration"

Having a bit more information would be greatly appreciated ^^

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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