clunky skills


some of the skills in the game feel rly good and some feel really clunky to use.

stuff like fireball, uve given it this delay before it casts, almost like it charges up a bit before it fires. I cant rly understand why, it just makes it feel really clunky to play with, you cant quick cast and move in a fluid action type way, it just makes it feel really stiff.

i think you should vastly cut down all these windup/charge up type pauses when you activate skills, just make them really snappy and reactive to play.

i dont know why i cant put a skill on my mouse 1 either, some builds ive tried i dont need a generator skill and it feels clunky having 2 spenders that i switch between but not having them both on my mouse. i had shooting direct gunlike projectiles off a keyboard key, it just feels wrong. you should allow us to reasign mouse 1 to be a normal skill slot, i dont mind if that means i have to keep the generator that im not using on one of my keyboard slots, just let me have my mouse for skills i use.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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