Hunting/Feeding Swarm


I've been playing this game for a while now, up to 90h on steam. Testet lots of different skills and now I wanted to make a pure summoner build, so I started a new character and put all minion skills on it. I'm currently at level 10, and got those two skills at level 21, since i've been upgrading them with currency.

So i'm fighting level 10 mobs with level 21 skills.

What i've found so far:
- Health: Abysmal. I'ts so bad that they get one shot by literally everything, even if they are 11 levels higher than the enemies. I have to spam the skill to keep them up.
- Damage: Horrible. I feel like my base staff damage is 2x more powerful than all the minions combined. I even picked the damage thingys from skills to try to make it better, but it's still awful.
- AI: Most of the times, it seems like they are drunk or blind. Instead of fighting mobs, they stay immobile. For example, when I kill a Tainted Primordial Armour (I think that's the name), it revives after a few seconds if you don't kill the body on the floor. It seems that the AI doesn't consider the body as an enemy, and they let the mob revive. They are even lazier than me. That's impressive tbh.
- Stats: It seems like they are not inheriting stats from anything in my build so far. How does it work exactly? Is there even any worth stat to go into besides toughness for a pure minion build? Do they inherit crit chance or attack speed if I spec that? Should they inherit health from toughness too?

I made this post just to show (like other people did) how abysmal those two skills are. At least Livor Mortis is able to tank a lot, despite the low damage. There is something really wrong with those. Maybe the level scaling is off? Percentages are hard, aren't they?

I'd love it if the devs would take a look at those skills and try to figure out where the problems are. I love minion builds, but they are unplayable in this game in comparison to other skills.

Thank you for reading this. Loving the game so far, even if it's swarming me with bugs (looking at you, dyes and stash).

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

I did beat the Campaign using a summoner Build, I have to warn, Boss fights are brutal with this build, but it works. Had of course several tries to beat act2 and act3, learning the attack patterns, reworking the build, etc., act1 seemed pretty ok. Maybe pure luck.
The damage seems to fall of compared some builds I see on Youtube, but I saw people in general complain about mages being a little weak.
I guess Bossfights are brutal with any kind of mage, maybe I'm wrong.

What made this build work for me was combining the minions with Plagueburst and choose the option that poison stays behind when they die.
Also Livor Mortis has to be Mage or Melee, the tank did not work out for me. Living Swarm are mostly distraction and/or suicide bombers bringing poison to the enemy. I think changing there damage type to poison also made them more useful for me, but other options should be viable too. Also for hunting swarm changing damage type did help or when leveled up, choosing every single damage up point. So the ranged minions and the poison staying behind are my only damage sources, as I run aether jump except from those spells.

Parasite seems to be completely useless as I was never able to take over one single minion during boss fights. Not sure if that is a bug or intended, but in the end, I did not care and just quit using it. However, It was not too bad in the early levels against mobs (act 1).

I really want to second that the information how any stats from my character are transferred to minions is not quite clear, I too would be very interested.
But something must be transferred, otherwise I could not have beaten the campaign. Anyhow, with a little more information for how this works it would be possible to optimise a build a little better than with try and error as I had to do and I am sure my build is far from optimised.

AI seemed to work mostly for me, probably not perfect, but not horrible either. Yes they wait for monsters to revive, but pretty much delete it afterwards instantly, so it never was a problem for me. Most of the smaller mobs are pretty much deleted by the minions now, leaving the poison for the elites.I think the Caballist Primordal Insights passive for instance did work with those clouds making it not too shabby.
Hope that helps to get you some fun using a summoner build,
Sorry in case I am describing something bad or got something not quite right, I have not half of your hours in the game and it is my only character, so I have no real comparison to other builds.
To wolcen: Nice Game so far, I like it, But yeah needs some polish here and there but seems as you are working on it. As mentioned, some info how stats for minions work would be interesting.


(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

IN the act 2 boss fight, the minions dont atk the boss, they just stay frozed lol, and the AI of the possessed ones are rly bad, they stay behind you alll the time, you have to drag the enemys to hes feet so he can start atk. and like you said.. they have poor dmg and poor life. rly bad times for summoners. i hope they improve it

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Minion AI definitely needs some work. Overall they need to be more agressive than they are right now. A boost to their movement speed would be welcome because they don't have gap closing skills (with the exception of Livor Mortis with the shadow modifier).

Their health and damage is pathetic at best. The trio of PST talents that sacrifices your character's health and force shield in exchange for damage reduction on the Minions should make them all but unkillable. It's far from that.

To the devs : please clarify how minion damage scales. I know for taking a look in the game files that they have a base damage value that rises with their level and that each Minion type has a damage multiplier. But what about our own stats ? Do they inherit any of it ? If not, you should definitely make plans to change that. Minino damage scaling is a must. There's a reason why Baron Zombies are so damn powerful in PoE compared to other minion builds.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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