Monster and play balance are broken.

There is no feeling of dying monsters. The game is so boring and fun.
Requires skill upgrade. Monster and play balance are broken.

In poe, the monster and kerik balance is perfect. You can see the monster die coolly and the game is not boring. But in Ulsen, the balance between monsters and kerics is broken and monsters are ops. The game is loose and no fun. The patch failed completely.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

you seem to forgot that Poe is like 10 year experience compare to this game.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

That's an opinion.

Mine is different! Game is fun and i don't really understand the point about the mobs, i shoot them, they die, and it's fun!
Also, stop comparing with other games, for they are OTHER games.

Poe (i played it A LOT) is fun, but in the end, i dislike its philosophy of creating new metas with each league and making it almost an obligation to play some build if you wanna do all the content! It's like a game with infinte build possibilities crippling itself by only making one viable with each update!

I enjoy Wolcen a lot right now, just for that reason, i started 2 builds so far and both are fun and i got at least 3 more coming, it's just fun building and progressing, i know that whatever the build i play, i can enjoy it and do endgame content, it's just another play-style and some more fun each time!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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