My opinion/feedback on Attributes and Bladestorm for the dev team

Here's my take on Bladestorm being the most powerful melee skill which could cause problems when balancing the melee meta, as well as some questions and concerns I have about attributes. I'll be drawing a lot of comparisons to POE as it's a decent precedent for ARPGs.

So Bladestorm feels way more powerful than any other melee skills due it's mobility. It offers the ability to do continual damage while being mobile enough to dodge every attack from bosses. Looking at POE's meta cyclone is the most used skill in the game across all builds (data taken from builds). There are a load of really interesting skills in Wolcen but they may not be as viable, if at all, in end game depending on how end game has been balanced/designed. Depending on how much mobility a player requires for each encounter is going to be key in forming viability of skills as well as the overall meta. Could a solution be to make more move speed buffs available in general and then give Bladestorm a reduction to efficiency of additional move speed?

On attributes, it appears that any build that dumps all its points into Toughness has a clear advantage due to the survivability it offers compared to the others. Stacking HP in builds in POE is an absolute requirement to be able to tackle any of the end game content, I'm going to presume it will also be very important in Wolcen. Theoretically, the life you get on a Tough build compared to a Fero, Agi or Wis build could cause huge problems for balancing endgame encounters. I think a small amount of HP gain should be attached to Fero and Agi, energy shield gain on Wis, and slightly less HP on Tough but with added block or mitigation might be a solution?

Anyway, these are just my thoughts about these two things. I really enjoy playing and am super hyped for launch on Thursday!

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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