Shapeshift and crafting

I am a new player to Wolcen just purchased the game yesterday.
I have never made suggestions to games before but since it's in early access i was wondering if you have plans to evolve the shapeshifting in the future like maybe implementing a sort of druid class or shapeshift into werewolf and give players an ability even if it was through specific gems or skills in the three that would allow players to have a permanent shapeshift form if they chose to?
It would be awesome as well to have a crafting system that would function as it's own ecosystem in the game where one could, with the appropriate recipes, craft and trade items, potions, gear etc from a lower tier to a higher tier.

I am looking forward to the full release soon and to see where the game progresses in the future.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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