Unavoidable Global AOE that half healths from mob in Act 2

In act 2 very first zone there's a named Wildling who carries a giant mace, kinda like the flayers with maces in act 1, and he's accompanied by a shaman, he is not a boss, however when he swings his giant mace with an aoe indicator in front of him, which is exactly like the ones in act 1, you go "Oh I need to roll out of the circle" Except even when he's on the other side of my screen and it goes down i get taken for about 1500 health, no matter what, I died 2 times to this random guy who never even actually hit me because for some reason he was doing global damage for more than half my health.

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Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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