2 handed balance and dual wield

current state of the game:

bows: they are hand guns with a faster auto attack rate however same damage, no ability to use shields or catalysts. which means 3 less gem sockets.

stave's: my catalyst offhand does more... they are alright but they need higher spellpower and higher flat elementals spell damage addition. using a catalyst and any other weapon with 3 (offense [2]) sockets is better

dualwield melee/guns: useless,pointless, halves my damage. could be cool with unique skills that require dual wielding. need better passives for all mentioned above builds. the spell cast skill builds scale well and should stay, raise the floor on everything else before lowering the ceiling

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

I was just looking at it. I keep looting legendary 1 handers.. but every time I try one.. I more than halve my damage. And I get literaly nothing back for it.. Exept for a faster auto atk speed. But this game made dam sure, that auto attacking anything at high level is straight up suicide. Even if 100% specced in toughnes.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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