Can Someone Post Pic of LvL 80+ Items?

I keep reading conflicting info that once you're around lvl 60+ the loot from expeditions has the same stat values of lvl 80, or 90 or 120? Or maybe that's true but they have more magical properties?

Replies: 4

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Hmm here an example, dont know if it helps u...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

About proberties, I think u mean the prefixes and suffixes. These are set in stone.

Rare Item: (golden background)
2 Prefixes
2 Suffixes

Legendary Item: (red background)
3 Prefixes
3 Suffixes

as far as I know :)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Based on what I've seen you do, in fact, get higher values from higher level gear. I think people are confused because the equip levels on items remains at 60, though the item levels scale to whatever content you are doing.

This evidence is anecdotal as I could not find any two weapons that were the same, with the same types of stats at different levels etc., but this does mimic my own experience grinding through end game content.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Thank you, everyone.

OK so it looks like the differences between lvl 60 and lvl 90-120 items or wherever the increase in increases the dmg values a little bit, whereas other properties tend to remain the same value.

It's just been confusing where I read people say their lvl 90+ loot remains the same as lvl 60 loot and no point in doing higher. It looks like we do get a slight dmg increase though for very high lvl loot?

I still think they need to do a major scaling overhaul of loot still, esp when it comes to staffs and 1H melee weapons. Uniques don't really seem much better than good legendaries either.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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