FOR THE DEVS Friendly Constructive critisism from an Earlybird Kickstarter

Hello devs! I am a friend! Thank you for finally releasing this wonderful game, I hope someone reads this and passes it on to the team. This is constructive criticism AND also some beneficial tips to help Wolcen team productivity. I can't remember how much I spent but from memory it was 150-175 AUD back in 2015 on the Kickstarter. I LOVE this game, even with it's bugs. And I KNOW you guys love your game too and want the best for your game and to make a massive impact on ARPG games in general.

Unique items I know you guys are doing an overhaul you say, here is what would benefit this game.
- Obvious one is to level them in some way, If I'm getting level 60 rare drops I would like to see level 60 Unique drops. My John Wick gunner build could benefit from the Unique bow that doubles projectiles. It could go from John Wick to John Rambo build but the level 35 version is far too weak compared to my dual wielding level 50 legendary pistols.
- Make Uniques Socketable
- I would love to see more creativity such as a haunted ring that provides the 'chance to summon ghosts' ability from the shrine at perhaps a smaller % chance of say 20%,
- Unique items can have their own skills similar to the Oskills in Diablo 2 Median XL mod. For instance a unique Bow could provide a summon Bear skill which it's stats would reflect with the players attributes/stats. I'm NOT suggesting for Uniques to enhance or change existing Enerract skills because you are probably worried about it heading toward the D3 route where people only chase certain few items. If Uniques can provide wholly NEW and interesting skills that are not available anywhere else it would add to the complexity of build options.

For your Team:
You guys are fighting STRESS with all the hard work you are putting into the game and also combating negative thoughts based on the many different kinds of feedback from your playerbase. If you don't know of it I URGE you guys to look into and consider supplementing KSM-66 Ashwaganda. It is purely amazing for Stress Relief and focus and makes a night and day difference. It is HUGELY healthy with many studies showing big drops in cortisol stress levels and MANY other health benefits. It's CHEAP.

I am not a developer and so I don't know if this is common information or not. I only just recently discovered NooTropics so in my corner of the world it is NOT common. But NooTropics are a godsend for productivity. If you're a coffee junkie consider taking L-Theanine with your coffee is HUGE it reduces/removes anxiety that coffee brings.., Modafinil, adrafinil, Racitams, Noopept, research on Reddit into the Nootropics. I'm assuming most of you guys know this, but spread the word to your whole team incase somebody doesn't. Productivity can go up 10-30% or even more per person from taking nothing to taking the right Nootropics. 10 people on a team? That's a minimum 100% increase in productivity there! (figures pulled from my butt, but it is night and day when finding the right stack)

Apocalypse Forms:
(Not so constructive, just my point of view) I was hugely interested in the prospect of Apocalypse forms when you first announced them. ONLY when you mentioned they changed based on YOUR choices in quests whether you were good or evil would reflect the forms. I loved that in the Fable: Lost Chapters game, you looked like a demon when you were a demon. Since you guys decided to go away from that more open world freedom gameplay style and questing style, the Apocalypse forms I only use on final bosses because I can do some damage without taking damage. They aren't all that fun or interesting and in fact to me, pretty boring. I don't really have anything constructive to suggest I'm sorry. Perhaps adding Unique items that add 1 skill from an apocalypse form to be used by the standard human form? This of course doesn't help adding any interest for me to want to Press R though.. Sorry.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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