Headhunter Node sucks, But heres an idéa to make it intressting!!!

What if u leave the node as it is and instead make a unique item lets say a belt, that can only be found in specific Boss areas Only, (The boss only maps that drops) "(Oh and btw, buff those bosses, they're a joke)" And that belt amplifies that node like this The node Exorsist gets three times the effectiveness
Also, imagane other uniques Like this that drops in a similar fashion, from unique bosses that in a way modifies a major Node in a creative and fun way.

Also, off topic but relevant: Please buff map density, im in high tier champion content and the density is a joke, super small packs and bearly any rare/elite packs.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Actually headhunter node is bugged, i kill champion and i gain no stack - happens from time to time.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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