My suggestion is to have an auction house where we can advertise unwanted items.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

That is kind of double edged sword.

Personally, i would like to have AH ingame aswell, some players would not. Even if devs make a pool to vote let's say, and if community votes to HAVE AH, a lot of them would quit game, some players simply don't like it.

Diablo 3 on release started with AH and Real Money AH. Players didn't like it, a lot of them, because in one way, game becomes "pay2win" (that goes for Real Money AH).

But, if you ask me, i would vote YES for normal AH. Even tho i don't know how many important "ingredient-items" are in-game on full release that you can use on your way by making your character strong, and that you can trade on AH. Now, by saying that, is it working making it?

I guess we shall wait and see. :D

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

AH kill any hack 'n' slash , but a simply room create by the player for the player work for trade , remimber diablo 2 that easy

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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