Blockefficiens nodes

Hi all i got nearly all Block efficience nodes, which should give me round about 88%
but i only hav 28,2% without a shiel i got 2 Shields one with 41% efficience and one uniqe with 15%
the normal i oush up to 75% max and the other gave +0%

most nodes seems to not wwork correctly would be nice when it got fixed

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

41% + 88% = 41% * 1,88 (since its an 88% INCREASE of the efficieny you have, not flat %)
so its 77% which means it gets broken down to 75% since block efficiency is capped at 75%

15% shield efficiency * 1,88 = 28%
If that really gives 0% then the shield itself is bugged, the nodes should work properly.

28% without a shield is because you somewhere have flat % block efficiency inside ur tree/gear which then gets buffed by those 88%.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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