Changing the additive nature of nodes.

can you maybe make the increased damage of your base stats a multiplier to anything else? I currently get 550% increased damage from just base stats. That makes every "10% increased attack damage" node on the tree completly irrelevant. And the downside of nodes like Merciless Lethality is almost non-existent because of it. I think i see what you are going for with many nodes . like "God amongst men"... but because of the additive nature and the massive base stat increase the node got really underwhelming.
Please make the formula like damage=base damage * (base stat bonus damage) * (bonus damage from tree/gear)*(remaining multipliers). And change nodes like "god amongst men" to be multiplicative (20% more damage or something like that).
Also, especially caster need more multiplier on the tree i think...

Just use the keyword "increased damage" for additive and "more damage" for multiplicative modifiers.... dont know where i got that words from ;D

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

"Just use the keyword "increased damage" for additive and "more damage" for multiplicative modifiers.... dont know where i got that words from ;D"

I see what you did there.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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