Does Primordial Insight benefit from crit damage?


I have a questions about critical hits and ailments. So with this passive nodes if our ailments will crit when they trigger on a critical hit.

But do the ailments benefit from critical damage on hit / critical damage on spell hit gems (or stats)

Thank you,

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

I'm not exactly sure as ailments in general will not benefit from passives/gear/gems that have the "Attack" or "Spell" tag attached to it.

Also, I am trying to figure out if Primordial Insight is bugged or not. My ailments do not show crit dmg numbers when I have that passive and check off show crit dmg in the menue options. No one seems to be sure how ailment crits function and if that passive is bugged or not.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Primordial Insight is bugged. It's one of the known broken talents, some folks have done testing and that node does precisely nothing once picked. Recommend swapping your build and avoiding that one for the time being till they fix it, it's just a wasted point currently.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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