dusk glave passive talent interaction with certain spells

i may have the name wrong, but the Green major node that allows for you to stack light and dark combo points for using spells/attacks is a really cool concept, but currently it doesn't work really well with channeled spells. I find this frustrating because I really want to play a rogue/necromancer and the poison ather blast as well as parasite just don't jive well with this build atm. Both of these spells offer you one point. Since Aether costs more up front it's virtually impossible to spam it to balance it out. Parasite has a minor cd which negates from its ability to be spammed as well. Currently I'm pigeon holed into using the lighting spell with the shadow damage modifier, but id much rather use a toxic spell

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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