Primordial Insight node not working?

I posted this in the bug forum but I'm not sure if it's an actual bug or not.

When I was using a high crit ailment build I turned on and off show regular and critical damage multiple times. I could see the dot ticks flash on screen but when I deselected reg dmg and show only crit dmg I did not see any crit numbers, except from the crits of my direct dmg spell. When I stopped casting the mob did die from my dots but I can't tell if the dmg was from critical ailments or not.

I'm going to try and respec again tonight and figure out the best/easiest way to test this but I keep running low on primordial affinity which is getting annoying.
Someone said somewhere else they think the passive is bugged as well and someone else said it works but only if it's your last passive you selected.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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