Puncturing Shot - Ranger


I'd like to suggest to switch Puncturing Shot in the Ranger section with another passive like Swiftness or Deadly Aim. I don't like it as a prerequisite for Safe From Afar in the Ranger section, since it works poorly with Wintry Hail in the White Arrow section, if you can't line up enemies. Puncturing Shot would switch its side from left to right. I think it would be a better fit on the right side, since Come What May is for piercing. This would also correspond well with the White Arrow section and Hungry Stalactite, which works well with piercing and is on the right side.
If you do this, piercing becomes more of a choice and I don't think it is hurtful as a prerequisite for Come What May.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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