A cash shop full of super cool items...at a reasonable price!

That would be a QoL improvement. What's the ETA for the cash shop...anyone know?

I want a skin for my pistol that makes it look like a submachine gun...with a silencer attachment that actually sounds like a silencer.

I want an outfit for my female Gunslinger that looks simular to the ones the railgun enemies wear...complete with night-vision goggles and a headset - a cross between Sam Fisher and Catwoman!

I want more personal inventory space...so sick of leaving dozens of items laying on the ground!

I want more maps...and when I do an expedition I want all three maps to be of the same type.

That's about it...these things are totally doable, so do them! :)

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

ETA.... 2 years, maybe never. There's way too much bug fixing and actual QOL, skills (like 3 times as many per archtype), balance and end game content needed before they can even think about implementing something like this. If they do now this game's gonna be bead within weeks as players will see where their priorities lie.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

why are you actively asking for them to implement MTX's are you crazy?

Its not a free to play game, let them 1st fix the game before asking to give more of your money away.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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