Ability to host/join local game for offline

So i have made enough posts about this hole off/online separation nonsense and i thought i ll make an official suggestion.
The title says it already...plz give the offline game the ability to connect/host games for/with friends...just like grim dawn, titan quest etc.

There are plenty of ppl, including myself, who have wasted tremendous amounts of time already by playing offline, cuz of busted servers, only to get blasted with a surprise to loose all the time and progress if they want to play online when the servers are up. This hole thing is completely beyond any reason...in 2020. I really do like this game a lot, it has some crazy potent future with the right decisions... i think its on par with grim dawn, titan quest...even in this bugged state. I am sure you guys (devs) will fix it in no time. However...this hole mess with off/online just blows it all out of the universe.

I think, it is a very major issue, even if many ppl dont realize it yet.
I hope for a statement from WolcenStudio regarding this aspect of the game.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Definitely agree. I understand keeping offline and online seperate, and am on board with it. but I should definitely be able to 'host a local game' for Offline mode. Especially since you're still online for Steam.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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