About difficulty spikes

Hi, and thanks for reading!

I played the game up to the Justicar boss fight - which I couldn't beat for good! - and it was a blast. The game looks very promising and I enjoyed my character so far.

My only problem is certain monsters oneshotting me. In the necropolis I found these raptor like creatures which blew me almost instantly and were very, very difficult to avoid, even when I kept running. Is it intended? I would love if these mobs would be twisted (damage-wise) so to not oneshot you, especially the blue/yellow versions of them.

I found boss fights very long. Is this intended? I felt like doing no damage at all, or doing so little, and it felt a little bit frustrating. I suggest a little decrease in boss HPs, unless the long fights are intended that way.

I wasn't able to defeat the final boss of chapter one, because I would be oneshotted. When my force shield depletes my health bar goes "puff" in a second. I would be fine if the force shield would be up when I come back to fight, but that's not the case, and so I was one-shotted 4 times in a row, not being able to use my shield to withstand some damage before moving away from danger. This happened a lot of times before I gave up on the boss fight. Also, my burning did almost no damage when he raises his shield, meaning that my DoTs don't work very well, and even with a potion of willpower I can't keep up with the cost of my spells.

I played a pure wisdom mage-like character, equipping staff, sorcerer equipment with small health and big force shield, and mostly ailment damage, with my fire skill being my main.

I didn't try a second build yet, but in the meanwhile I tried giving some feedback about my build. :)

Replies: 4

Created: 4 years, 12 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

I too went pure caster build, I didn't go so much into the Force Shield and more into the Health and all Res. I did have a hard time fighting some bosses due to their mechanics or fudging up the skill tree or even my combo. Even for the last boss i had to respec my passive points just to focus more on single target and less AOE/Ailments and more on straight up spell power. The last boss of act one took me about 3-4 hours of getting smashed and respeccing and trying to find certain gear, rings/ammy/belt's especially with +flat damage to spells, as that is more damaging than and of the %damage OR %Spell Damage.

If you need a hand recovering some funds and of that sweet purple drink to respec, hmu on steam "KushNuggz" I will give you a hand and show you my build and see if it might help? cheers for the share

Created: 4 years, 12 months ago

Hey guys! I also went with a spell build, and was struggling pretty bad compared to the archer (who was also a little difficult). It felt like the difficulty level from archer to spellcaster went up to a seriously hard, squishy, difficulty.

However, after the most recent update, it seems they buffed spells! I am having a crazy blast now with my spell caster. What about you guys? Notice any benefit from the recent update? I went from pretty frustrated to super happy blowing things up!

Created: 4 years, 12 months ago

After the update I was able to kill the Act 1 end boss. It was still a bit difficult but I managed to do it. : )

Created: 4 years, 12 months ago

I'm glad you were able to complete it, it is indeed difficult but in a good and fun way. Well done sir :)

Created: 4 years, 12 months ago

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