An open Letter to the Wolcen Team

Dear Wolcen Team

I backed Umbra on Kickstarter when i read about a new ARPG with fresh Ideas, an open World, Multiplayer and so on. I have to admit, i followed the development half hearted since then, because other ARPGs became more interesting. Path of Exile raised the Bar to a new level of Quality and Community interactions. Grim Dawn shaped his form and Diablo 3 was still a thing for a week, when a new season started. But i also played the Pre Alpha of Umbra, the Wolcen Alpha and of course the EA-Version.

I'm also one of the Backers, who wasn't even mad when i read , that you change the whole game, killed most of the fresh ideas and wanted to make a solid ARPG. It just showed me, that you know your own limits and thats something very positive. It showed , that you want to publish a high quality standard, which the Genre misses a lot.

The release day:
Ok, let's be honest, dying servers are nothing new on release days. I "survived" the Diablo 3 lunch also, and there are a few more million $ and a own server structure in the back end.

So i played the offline version, completed the campaign and tried a bunch of builds. And it was fun, feeled a little bit clunky here and there but whatever nothing you cant polish the next months and improve.
(Please don't take the next part as an insult or aggressive, it is just my own feeling)
But oh my god, those Bugs. So so so many bugs. I never played a game with so many game breaking bugs. But still had my fun, so yes it definetly got this "good slashing feeling".
And after the whole play through is thought: Everything after the Early Access Content was never ( or enough) tested. And this part makes me sad.
The release version on its current state gives me the impression, you took everything you got in a nearly playable state glued it to the Early Access version and pressed the release Button.

You took your good rep and steam reviews and sold them for fresh money. Sure i understand that you need money to get the developmet going, but was this the only way you got?

I still have high hope for the game, please don't kill your own baby. And don't get it killed from your Online Service Provider and (i dont know if it this easy) look for a new one. Only one Patch a week in release? What was the plan after release? Hope a bunch new players buy the game and don't talk about it?

I would appreciate it, when you got the time to read this i dont need to get a reply. Just work on the game with a high quality intention, what Daniel Dolui told the community allready...

Sincerly with high hopes,


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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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