City Upgrade Changes

The endgame ability to upgrade your city to unlock different bonuses was a very creative one for ARPGs, but I have found after using it a lot that a few minor changes would really improve the quality of life: * when parts of the city are not accessible yet because a prerequisite is missing, some visual identifier should be on or next to the portrait itself (maybe shaded red or something similar to the red border with the chains and lock that is visible on individual projects that have missing prerequisites). * some visual identifier should be on or next to the portraits for parts of the city in which all of the remaining projects require more gold and/or affinity than you have available (maybe shaded gray) * some visual identifier should be on or next to the portraits for parts of the city that are completed and have no repeatable quests (maybe a check mark) * some visual identifier should be on or next to the portraits for parts of the city that have repeatable quests (like two curved arrows moving in a circle)

Not only would all of this visual information save a lot of time in trying to remember which projects have been completed and which have not (and thus not searching around the city so much), but seeing a bunch of check marks in your city would at least make me feel a sense of accomplishment (or progression as I go).

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Created: 2 years, 10 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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