[Feedback] Resource generation is unfair

Rage build can turn willpower regeneration into rage regeneration, almost all weapon generate rage while no one hand magic weapon generate willpower and with combination of passive you can use attack skill to generate rage very fast, not only it gave unlimited rage, it also totally forfeit willpower resource pool because the resource bar constantly drag toward rage.

On the other hand, if you go full willpower build, the willpower depleted way too fast and willpower generation is way too slow. I don't think you can do endless willpower build, if there is please tell me. And in hybrid build, if you pick wrong passive that generate rage too fast, you are screw especially if you dual wield rage weapon and catalyst.

Please improve the willpower generation, and i think the resource balancing mechanic should need some change, for example generate rage will not drag the bar toward the right side, causing willpower to deplete and vice versa. But using rage will generate willpower and vice versa.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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