Goodbye and Thanks for all the fish.

Okay I did my first mandate and my first expedition
I am very disappointed, in my humble opinion there is NO! end game or long-term playability
In Wolcen currently.
I beat the game at level 50, most of my gear is level 41. Now I am in city mode, most of the content is level 51 which means I am way under geared, expeditions and mandates take way too long to complete for the reward, and I found out today you can’t do ANYTHING except city missions now I can’t teleport out and explore or re-do an area to gear up.
I’ll pop in to help friends, I’ll replay the other classes, but I don’t see Wolcen holding my attention through March.
Very disappointed.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

So it is devs fault that content takes you long to finish?
I mean, you finish the content and get reward, but you feel like you should be getting it faster right away after you finish the act?
Not like you finish first few expeditions or mandates slow, improve gear and next time do it fast, you want it fast right away with no effort?
This just sounds ridiculous, sorry.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

News flash: most people are undergeared. This really sucks with the attribute scaling system making you weaker every level. If you can't deal with opponents due to crappy gear, do some lower level stuff. Do an adept expedition or something.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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