Having a great time!

I know a lot of the feedback is focusing on improvements, but I want to give some feedback on what already is working.

As a long time Diablo player going back long before D2 I have played countless hours and as D3 was getting a bit boring after 17+ seasons I looked for alternatives. Path of Exile never really felt good to me with it's gritty and to me a bit depressing graphic style.

I bought the Wolcen Alpha a few years ago and played a bit. Then it was a rough game with potential, but not really something to sink my teeth into.

Now that you are live I am getting back into the game and I am having a blast!

Sure there are bugs and some mechanics that could use tweaking. Sure there are issues with online gaming, but those are to be expected and honestly only show how dedicated you are in communication and support.

The game play is just amazing and exploring the builds and slowly gearing up feels awesome. I am currently running around with a big two handed sword trying out a whirlwind build and it just feels great. I think it's the best experience I have ever had with a melee build ever to be honest.

The skill system feel pretty nice and the talent tree is still to large to explore fully, but it's all good and fun! I expect this game will entertain me for a very long time as it has just the right complexity for me and the game play feels awesome.

So a big thank you for your hard work on this amazing game, I am having a great time!

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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