i9, 2080ti getting 12-15 FPS!

I have a high end system with the latest nvidia drivers that is getting 10-15 FPS at 2560x1440. I've been following this game for some time and recently made the purchase on steam in anticipation for the release in 2 weeks. With this beta build the game is currently unplayable for me, and I'm hoping to try and resolve these issues so that I can finally try the game out before release. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated.


Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Hello mate.

You should get 100 FPS with maxed out settings. I get 60 FPS maxed out with my 1070.

You have then newest drivers, good, but are your Nvidia settings correct ? Have you checked in the NV Control Pannel if something is wrong, maybe reset to default ?

Does the game really uses your GPU at full potential ?

Have you checked the CPU and RAM usage ?

Cleaned up registry base ?

Removed the useless applications that launch at start and works in background ?

Have you checked viruses ?

Something else that messes up really hard and that we very often forget is Windows. Are your updates done ?

I know that what I said are probably basic things that you already did but anyway I'm trying to help.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Ryzen R5 with a 2070 and I get 60-90fps on Ultra @ 1440. You have something very wrong with your system, apparently. If yuou figure it out please post your fix as others may be having the same issue.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Do you have more than one display connected to your PC?
I'm running the game also on 1440p with an i9 9900KF, 2080TI and I have no problems.
I use 3 displays and had some weird problems, when only one of them was running on 144hz and the others have been running with 60/70. Now, with all of them on 144hz I no longer had these frame drops.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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