Improvements we really need

My list:
1 - Fix end-game dungeons being sub-populated. It really sux not having enough monster to finish a expedition map.
2 - Fix DC's during expeditions. I was DC lots of times in the third expedition and this is very frustrating.
3 - Fix endgame loot drops, specially weapons. 95% of weapons dropped are lvl 41 and very bad.
4 - We really need more skins.
5 - Playing coop right now is not rewarding. XP is the same as solo, loot also, but the mobs are way harder.
6 - In the last week the lag was bad.
7 - We need more aether based skills :(

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Maybe I'd add a thing or two...
1.1 - fix the general population problem. Some mobs come in humongous quantities but reward nearly no progress. There are also champions with the damage and health pool of the level boss rewarding just a tad bit more progress than a specialist.
3.1 - higher expedition level means higher item level dropped. Also, the city rewards usually scale to your level +100, or so I noticed.
4.1 - I read that these will come. Unfortunately, these will only be unlockable by paying. Maybe they'll add more uniques in the future.
5.1 - very true - there is currently no reason to play coop, other than maybe finding someone who can carry you through some high level expeditions. Deffo needs a rework.
8 - The untainted animations are, among the frequent disconnects and getting stuck in the textures, one of the most annoying aspects of the game. Get 2 spear wielders and you get animation blocked to infinity. Deal damage, stun me or whatever, but LET. ME. PLAY.
9 - The spear wielding boss spawns two healers. Really? I mean really really? Get the "tough" or "regenerating" affix on this half of the time immortal bugger getting healed by 2 healers that also heal themselves, and you can restart the game. Not funny.
10 - Give us a possibility to leave a current expedition without having to quit to the menu.
11 - Map movement: invisible hurdles, movement skills impaired for no reason, movement skills suddenly running/teleporting/jumping into the opposite direction.
12 - The crafting system would seriously need an overhaul. You slap about 15k essence into upgrading an item with decent rolls (quality and rarity) ending up adding 2 useless rolls, over which you have no power. This especially hurts the weapons. There is nearly no possibility to keep affixes that you need, and RNGesus always makes sure to reroll the good ones.
13 - Update the player models please. Pretty please. While the male pretty much looks like a square cabinet with a grumpy face, the females are something that you seriously can't look at properly. When wielding a two-handed sword, the posture makes me cringe to infinity. Plus the face choices for the males are Grumpy, More Grumpy, Hella Grumpy and Iaintgonnadealwiththisanymore. The females just pulled their faces from Mass Effect Andromeda or something. I have no issue with the enemy skins, they look fantastic. But giving the player a face that only a mother could love... no.
14 - skills could benefit from more damage type choices. Would make the builds even more diverse and interesting.
15 - please don't jump onto the nerf train. I understand the BE nerf, playing the BE build myself, but I'm really afraid that all of the endgame builds are going to be nerfed in order to put more diversity in character builds (because some of the people just dash through highest endgame in a few days after game release). At least Blizzard learned from its past mistakes by not nerfing builds unless really necessary, but buffing others. This is an issue with every new game up to date. Nerfing is an easy fix, not a good one.


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Agree with all of the above.

However, Point 15 that Bonta made cannot be stressed enough. I did not play the BE build and obviously I felt a bit sad when my friends just facerolled stuff that I struggled with even though I technically had better gear... However - I absolutely 100% agree that going ham with the nerf hammer is NOT the right way. Buff weak builds as far as possible.

... That said, I do understand the particular case with BE since it simply was not scaling as intended and made people able to go muuuuch higher than they were supposed to without having gear nor levels. I just don't wanna see DEs make a habit of nerfing stuff that is meta.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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